Yes, you can upgrade your mobility scooter battery for a greater range
Upgrading the battery to a different type (for example: Lithium or Lead Crystal) or with a higher capacity will improve your mobility scooter range.
Mobility scooters are great for elderly and disabled people. They became part of their live and mobility. The main issue many users face is the capacity and power of the batteries. Range and lifespan of the batteries is limited so it is good idea to look for the most powerful batteries.
You could usually replace the batteries to the ones with better capacity but bear in mind the voltage and dimensions of the new battery. It should fit the same space as the previous battery. It is always best to check the documentation or contact the manufacturer for the details.
You should also be aware that there are also different types of batteries. If your scooter uses standard lead acid battery it may not be possible to use the gel type one. Make sure to check it with the manufacturer. Your mobility scooter could double in range if you replace the batteries.
If your battery is already old it probably lost some capacity and it doesn’t perform as it used to. Replacing the battery to the new one even with the same capacity will improve the range and power of your mobility scooter. All batteries loose performance over time. If they are charged properly than it may prolong their usage and quality.