Before you try to remove speed limiter
The speed of mobility scooters has been limited or capped for safety reasons. No one wants to feel like their scooter can run out of control, especially if your dexterity or health condition affects your hand control, strength or hand-eye coordination.
It is not uncommon for you to want to enjoy zipping around at a higher speed, especially if you have been used to many years of driving a car. You can adjust your mobility scooter and remove the pre-set speed limiter to enable you to move your scooter at a faster speed.
Bear in mind that removing the speed limiter may damage your scooter (over powering the motor). This is also not recommended if your mobility scooter has a warranty.
More reasons why you shouldn’t remove speed limiter
When you buy a new mobility scooter, it will be delivered pre-set to only reach but never exceed a top speed. This is usually between 4 to 8 miles per hour.
These speed caps are placed on mobility scooters to help reduce the risk of accidents and injury to the mobility scooter user and any pedestrians or other road or pavement users around you.
As mobility scooters are powered by batteries rather than an engine, they run far more silently than a car or other vehicle with an engine. This means that the people around you may struggle to hear you approaching, especially if other distracting background noises are going on that are louder than your mobility scooter.
If you are still keen to remove the speed limiter from your scooter, you must take extra care not to drive too fast in busy areas where there is more risk of people stepping in front of you or stopping abruptly because they are unaware of your presence.
How to remove a speed limiter
Please note that removing the speed limiter on some scooter makes and models may be impossible.
If you have a sport model…
The process is more straightforward if you have a sports model scooter with an uphill speed boost option.
With the sports model, you simply turn on the display and press and hold the hand brake in place. Click the power button and move the cursor to P3 using the light button. Press the Set or S button to save the setting. This will save the setting in the uphill speed boost mode, and you will be able to drive faster.
Re-writing the controller software…
If you don’t have the sports model uphill speed boost option, then you can try rewriting the controller software. But be warned – this can be quite a complicated procedure, so you may want to get help from an expert if you don’t think you can do this yourself.
Bear in mind that if you do rewrite the controller software, you will violate your warranty. Therefore, you won’t be able to get any assistance for your mobility scooter under warranty. Also, if you get it wrong, it may render your mobility scooter unusable.
How to remove a speed limiter videos
What else can you do?
Some mobility scooters come equipped with a pretty decent mechanism and adequately written software. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to remove the speed restriction when it gets slower than what was promised in their specifications! But don’t worry though; these tips might help increase your range:
- One of the keys to maintaining a fast speed on a scooter is to keep the tyres in good condition. If the tyres are worn or inflated, it can make the scooter go at a slower speed. To help with this, try to install an airless tyre in the vehicle. The variation of the tyre has less friction with the ground, which means better speed. Additionally, be sure to check the pressure of the tires regularly and inflate them as needed. By taking these simple steps, you can help to ensure that your scooter remains fast and responsive.
- Maintaining a full battery is important for anyone who regularly uses a scooter. When the battery is full, the scooter can offer its highest performance in terms of speed and usability. However, when the battery is low, the scooter will accelerate more slowly and may not be usable for as long. This can be a major inconvenience, especially if you’re relying on the scooter to get around. Therefore, it’s important to keep an eye on the battery level and charge it regularly. By doing so, you can ensure that you always have a reliable mode of transportation.
- After using your scooter for a while, you may notice that it isn’t running as smoothly as it used to. This is often due to a build-up of dirt and grime in the sprocket, which can cause the gears to grind and slow down. To clean the sprocket and restore it to its original condition, simply spray some WD-40 oil into it. You may also want to replace the sprocket with a new one if it is severely worn. Doing this will help to improve the performance of your scooter and keep it running at its best.
- Scooter batteries are not all created equal. Some are designed for power and some for longevity. If you are looking for a battery that will give you more power, you may want to consider a high-power option. However, be cautious while changing the battery to avoid any damage. The process is not difficult, but it is important to follow the instructions carefully. With a little care and attention, you can easily change your scooter battery and enjoy the benefits of increased power.
In conclusion, you can remove the speed cap on your mobility scooter by yourself, but is it wise to do so? These vehicles are speed capped for safety reasons. The best way to get the top speed out of your scooter is to ensure that you are running it on fully charged batteries. Low batteries can affect your acceleration rate and top speed, so it is best to keep your batteries topped up for maximum speed.
Last update on 2025-02-21 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API